Bioactive Preparations
Providing natural, safe and effective bio-products.
Atmospheric nitrogen fixation
Increasing the amount of nitrogen in the soil, reducing doses of nitrogen fertilisers, reducing fertilisation costs.
Release of phosphorus from the soil / increases the amount of available phosphorus
Increasing the available phosphorus concentration in the soil without the need to introduce mineral phosphorus fertilisers into the soil.
Faster mineralisation with simultaneous humification. Accelerates the release of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other minerals from organic matter in the form of crop residues, catch crops and manure.
Bio stimulation, degradation of crop residues
Protective effect against fungal and bacterial pathogens
Stimulation of plant growth and development. GenPlus can be used as a seed treatment covering the seed material or as a bio-additive introduced into liquid mineral or organic fertilisers or water distributed in a fertigation system. The preparation can also be combined with lime or other dry fertilisers.
General stimulation of the growth and production of vegetables and fruits
Stimulation of root growth, better resistance to drought, better uptake of minerals
Reducing biotic and abiotic stresses, maintaining homeostasis and microbiological balance of the soil, plant and production environment.
Increasing the growth of the root ball, covering the roots with seedlings of microphyseal fungi, increasing drought resistance, enabling plants to draw water from greater depths or areas away from the plant itself.

Stimulates the development of the grass root system
Microbiological product for fertilising lawns that stimulates the development of the grass root system, eliminates the negative impact of drought stress, strengthens plants before winter dormancy and facilitates the absorption of water and minerals.